Thursday, August 25, 2016

Reading Options

I am going to choose PDE Ramayana online for my my first reading.

The major factors that are going into this option is at this point in the semester I am not to sure how much I want to depend on the library to get the bulk of my reading done at this point. I am a commuter so having to be at the library and hoping that they have the book when I am there doesn't sound all that appealing to me at this point.

After briefly reading a few of the Part A topics they all look to be pretty interesting to me. I love Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology so I am sure I will love all that is Epics of India

A few things that might be able to fill your curiosity about what connect me to this course is for one I needed the credits for my major requirements. The reason I chose this class is because I love pretty much any kind of mythology so in my mind I feel that I am going to love to read all of these stories. Aside from that I really don't know any information about India's culture or stories so this will be interesting to me.

But yes I love, and I mean LOVE Game of Thrones!!
Image result for game of thrones white walker
Night's King, Web Link

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