Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Story: Monkey and the looking glass

There once was a monkey named George in a jungle not so far away that stumbled upon a looking glass. Once George picked up this looking glass he was able for the first time to see how his face looked! Amazed and intrigued George went about showing the other animals that were all around him. The Bear named Smokey looked through this looking glass to find out that he had a ugly face. For this Smokey apologized to George that he had to look at his face. George now sad took the the looking glass to the Wolf named Simba that wanted ever so badly to have the beautiful face and horns of a stag. After George let the animals around him see through the looking glass every creature wanted to have the face of others more then their own. Which caused them pain after they realized that their face wasn't the same as the other animal around them in the jungle.

George then meet up with Hedwig the owl to show him the looking glass, but after watching all of the other animals in the jungle look through the glass he wanted no part in looking into it. Hedwig had been watching from a far and noticed how all the animal were sad after looking through the glass that he was sure that looking through it would bring nothing but pain just like all the other animals in the jungle.

George and all the other jungle animals agreed with Hedwig and destroyed the glass, screaming, "Ignorance is bliss!"

A Monkey in a wood somehow got a looking glass, and went about showing it to the animal around him, The Bear looked into it and said he was very sorry he had such an ugly face. The wolf said he would fain have the face of a stag with its beautiful horns. So every beast felt sad that it had not the face of some other in the wood.
The monkey then took it to an owl that had witnessed the whole scene. "no, said the owl, I would not look into it, for I am sure, in this case as in many others, knowledge is but a source of pain."
"You are Quite right," said the beast, and broke the glass to pieces, exclaiming, "Ignorance is bliss!"
                                                        (Indian fables by Ramaswami Raju)

Authors Notes. This was my first story like this that I have ever had to write so it is a little rough in my opinion. The bases of this story of mine has the same message as the original text but a bite more personal in the way it comes across. I do however enjoyed this fable because I think it describes our culture very perfectly. How ever person just wants to be like the people they see around them to be able to fit in or fit the stereotypical "perfect look" that most of every one is going after these days.

Bibliography. Story is based off the Indian fables by Ramaswami Raju "Monkey and the looking-glass

Image result for monkey looking through glass
                                                        monkey photo by Vinvent J.Musi


  1. I like the story you used a lot! I really like the message behind it. i think you could have transformed it just a little more but seeing as it is your first story like that I think you did a lovely job! The way you wrote it did make it a little easier to understand and since you used some characters that most are familiar with, it makes the story a little more relatable and draws the reader in more. I also think that the image you used was very charming and fits with your story.

    I look forward to reading more!

  2. Hey Stanton! I really liked the moral of the story you chose. You did a good job picking out the highlights and getting those across, especially for the first story! Next time think about writing it from another perspective (like what if it was a bunch of squirrels and farm animals that found it or a bunch of humans!). I also thought your photo was hilarious! Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  3. I thought it was quite comical that you named the bear in your story smokey and the monkey George. I wonder why the owl saw the other animals getting sad from looking at themselves in the looking glass but did nothing to stop them? I feel like the owl should have done something to stop this trend from occurring among the animals. As you had also mentioned I think this is great representation of the society we live in today however, I also makes me wonder what makes us, as a society, do this and if there will ever be a time that this tendency we have will go away. What if you added a bit more detail about the animals and the jungle in which they lived? I think this would add much more interest to the story and help the reader to stay engaged. Overall this was a great story especially considering it was your first time writing in this sort of style.

  4. Hey Stanton, I enjoyed reading this story! The moral was telling and I enjoyed how you personalized the characters with their familiar/ ironic names. It's interesting how just giving characters names will give them more of a personality, especially if they are names we already associate with specific characters. I wonder what more you could do to give the readers more of a connection with the audience. Why did the bear think he was ugly? What made the wolf think the stag was the ideal image? Could his first love have left him for a stag and he never got over it? You might see what happens if the characters have more reasoning behind why they did not like what they saw in the mirror. It might also add more to the story if you incorporate the owl into the storyline earlier. Maybe what he thinks each time he sees an animal look through the mirror? Overall, I loved the concept of the story and your creative, yet not so creative, names made it enjoyable and relatable.

  5. I really enjoyed reading the names of all of the animals, it was hilarious. You could definitely develop this story more and add more details to it if you wanted to. The moral of the story was great, "ignorance is bliss", even I say it sometimes and believe in it too. Sometimes I would have rather not known the truth then find out. Curiosity really did kill the cat, not in the real sense, but theoretically.

  6. This was a very interesting read. I thought it was very nice that Jon used his incredible weapon to protect his community. I could not seem to get over how you chose to spell Jon for some reason. I also appreciate a story of someone who is not expected to win coming out victorious. Overall very entertaining story Stan.
