Thursday, August 25, 2016

Storybook Favorites

This was a pretty interesting assignment in my opinion! For the first Storybook I found that really caught my eye was a storybook called Monster Hunter.

In this storybook the topic was obviously about hunting monster which is freaking awesome to me. This was one of the first links that I looked at and right off the bat this storybook pulled me in with a cool looking background picture of an old wooden cabin and a picture of a werewolf! On top of that in every story the author wrote there was a few pictures that expressed the scary nature of how these monster's would have looked like. The introduction of this story is about a man that over his life had experienced a lot of different monsters and just how crazy and scary it was to be around them. He also expressed to his young audience just how bad it would be today if all these monsters were still around today! Overall I was very familiar with all of the monsters he wrote about and that is why I chose to read this storybook. What really interested me the most about it was how well he was able to creature these stories about monsters that everyone knows about and give them a new twist.

The second storybook I likes is called, Greek Game Show.

This storybook is something that I am really interested in which is Greek Mythology. So when I stumbled upon the name of this storybook I knew I would love it.
The introduction of this storybook explained how this whole book was going to be broken up into 4 rounds of the game show. Hermes was the game show host of the 500th annual Mount Olympus Game Show. Each round had a few different rule that were associated with them.  There were two teams that was made up of Greek Gods on both side. The overall design was a little bland. Pretty much the entire thing was black and had a few cool pictures but overall the design was okay.

For the last storybook I picked one that is called, Greek Creatures.

This storybook opened up with some really cool looking pictures of the "Biggest and the Baddest" creatures of Greek mythology. For the introduction of this storybook the author took us to Elysium which is where the Greek hero's meet in the afterlife. Zeus was having all of his son meet him there to finally figure out who fought the biggest and baddest creature of all of them. This storybook took us into the personal story of all the hero's tale of their biggest battle that they one. To myself this was a great storybook because it was able to have each of Zeus's son all talk with each other while they were telling there stories, and to be able to see how they all were able to triumph in there own ways. The design of this was pretty cool in my opinion because the author gave different colors to different people in the story so we could associate that color with the person faster while reading. Along with that there were a lot of interesting picture about each person I had never seen before

Image result for surprised face picture
Surprised baby, Pinterest
Overall this was a really cool assignment and gave me a lot of idea's about how I can become better at writing blogs!

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