Sunday, August 28, 2016

Growth Mindset

 I have never heard of Carol Dweck before, so this is the first time I have really of heard about Growth mindset before. I think it is pretty interesting to see that we can actually have different spectrum's  that our minds can sit at as far as growth comes or the willingness to grow. I think I pretty much find myself in the fixed spectrum when it comes to school. I agreed with pretty much all of what she said about how a student reacts after they fail a class or when they get a low grade. In other aspects of my life I think I relate more to a growth mindset especially when it comes to sports. I am a retired college football athlete so in this aspect I see myself as someone who was always willing to learn about new ways to become better in that part of my life.
                                              "I do not fear the winds of change" Web Link

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stanton,
    I completely agree with you on your mindset towards the growth mindset. I am the same way you are when it comes to school. I found it interesting that you referred to yourself as a “retired college football athlete” because I often say I am a retired college basketball player when people ask if I played basketball. I get asked that question daily so I use that as a witty response.
