Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Introduction to a wanna be Chiropractor

Hello my name is Stanton Ropp and I am Junior/Senior at OU. At the moment I don't exactly have a major. I haven't quite figured out if I want to stay at OU and finish with a MDS (Multi Disciplinary Studies) degree of Arts and sciences where I would minor in Health and Exercise and Minor in Sociology, or move on into Chiropractic School. My ultimate goal is to be a Chiropractor someday. I have always loved to pop backs every since I was little. I know it is a little strange for me to say that but hear me out! My dad has always had a pretty bad back from the time I could remember he would have my sister and I walk on his back to pop it. So growing up getting to be able to learn how to pop my dads back was just something cool that I did. Then once I was able to do that I started to pop my friends back and so on and so forth. However, I continue to have the passion to become a Chiropractor because after I pop someones back that has been bothering them or just be able to relieve some presser on them there is always a few moments of bliss that I can see on there face. With that alone just gives me a sense of happiness that I can serve people in that sort of way.

Image result for chiropractor
                                          Chiropractor performing a adjustment on patient Wikipedia

Going into a little more of my personal life I am 22 years old and I live in Newcastle, OK. I have 4 family members my mom, dad, and sister. Their names are Marla, Jeff, and Jensen. Along with 3 horses, 3 dogs, and 2 cats make up my entire immediate family. (Sorry I don't have any pictures at the moment).


  1. There was a time when I thought about being a chiropractor! I have slight scoliosis and I'm an anatomy nerd so I found it fascinating how the skeletal alignment and nervous system were so very intertwined. I had to go to a chiropractor for a while and sometimes when I'm in a lot of pain I still pop in every now and then (yes that was a horrible pun but I couldn't help it) and get adjusted. Its super cool that you have horses! I used to ride every now and then when I was younger but I never had a chance to do it consistently.

    Its great to meet you and I hope to learn more about you and read the wonderful things you post!

  2. Hey Stanton! So glad to meet you and look forward to reading more about you! I have never been to a chiropractor, but it sounds like a lot of cool stuff goes on. I am currently applying to PT school so good luck wherever you end up! I love horses and my grandmother had nine until about six months ago! We used to ride them all the time, so I’m very jealous of your current horse ownership!

  3. That is so cool about wanting to become a chiropractor, Stanton! I've had several friends who got help from chiropractors and, in one case, that help probably saved that person's life because it got her off some serious pain meds. Powerful stuff! Maybe you will want to use this class to learn something about yoga and the Indian traditions of healing. There are some great connections between traditional yoga and the stories you will read in this class. Plus the spiritual "heat" or tapas that people can generate; you'll be reading about tapas at some point in the epics, and if you want a sneak peek, you can learn more about that here: Tapas: heat ... and if you just Google "tapas heat," you will find lots more information. Make sure to include "heat" in the search, though... otherwise, you will get tapas the Spanish food! :-)

  4. That is very interesting to see that you don't have a major but you have an idea of what you want to do after you graduate. Most people are usually the opposite. I am still unsure of what I want to do after graduation, but that it is good that you have a passion that is driving you. Becoming a Chiropractor seems tough, but very doable with your drive. That is really cool that you have horses, I have always wanted to have a horse. Living in the city part of Moore, that would be difficult.

  5. Hi Stanton! I think it’s really cool that you want to be a chiropractor. It’s definitely the first time I’ve heard someone say that, so that makes it extra interesting. I think it’s so cool that you have horses. I’ve always wanted to own one, but we never stayed in the same place long enough. I hope you figure out what you want to do to finish college. I know that it’s tough making that decision sometimes!

  6. It's so nice to meet you! I like that you are allowing yourself to explore before you decide on a major. I feel like sometimes we are in such a rush to get done with school that we forget to allow ourselves the time to change our minds. I find that it is equally important to have time to make mistakes as well. After all we need to learn! I love that you have so many pets! I have always wanted pets, but haven't been able to have any.

  7. Hi Stanton! It's so nice to meet you! I think you have a unique reason to become a chiropractor. It's passion like that that makes a career worth it.
    Also, you have so many animals! Do you have pictures yet? I’ve only had a dog in my life but wow 3 horses! I’m sure that is a lot of work! I can’t imagine. My 2-pound dog is more than I can handle... Anyway it was so great to meet you!

  8. Stanton I understand were you are coming from on not having a major! I didn’t decide my major until recently. As for the chiropractic school I think you should follow your dreams even if they are to become a fake doctor. Your dad Jeff sounds like a very supportive person who helps you follow your dreams. I wish you had a picture of your horse! I love pets! I recently got a puppy named Daisy.

  9. Your passion is definitely not odd at all! I love it when I hear about how someone has found their passion in life and that they really want to make it come true. I admire that dedication in people. I truly wish you the best in your journey in achieving your goal. Wow, you sure do have a lot of pets haha! I would love to pet a horse someday.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. My dad used to go to the chiropractor. That always really helped him with his problems, so I bet it's a really great service to provide. I do wonder what kind of training chiropractors have to go through in order to work in an office or start their own. Do you know about this? Do your horses have any sort of "jobs" they do?

  12. That's really cool that you want to be a chiropractor! I didn't even know they had special chiropractor schools for people! Good luck in whatever you decide to do! Also, I would dearly love pictures of your horses, dogs, and cats! I absolutely love animals and seeing pictures of cute animals. If at all possible, I would love to see some before the end of the semester :)

  13. Hi Stanton! I think it is amazing that you want to be a chiropractor! I've been to one a few times and they are absolute miracle workers! Don't work about not having an pictures! Everyone seems to be including their animals in their introduction posts and I think it is so cool how we are all able to bond and relate over animals. They are so important to my life. I hope you have a great semester!

  14. What an interesting back story for why you want to be a chiropractor! I have a lot of friends pursuing MDS degrees in a number of things (in addition to some Planned Programs) so I understand how varied your course of study is. I'm curious, though... what classes have you planned out to get that degree? Do we have a pre-chiro program?

  15. It's so neat that you're set on being a chiropractor! I've struggled for a while with what I want to do. Ultimately, I'd like to go into some sort of medical profession, but even as a junior I haven't found out quite what just yet. I wish you luck as you find your way there!
    You've also got so many pets! What's it like to keep up with so many animals? I've never actually had a pet of my own, but I hope that once I'm able to support myself I can get a cute little fur friend of my own.

  16. Hi Stanton! How cool to want to be a chiropractor! I love it when someone is able to give my back a massage and make everything feel better, and relieve some of the pressure that I've been feeling. It's a great experience. Do you watch two and a half men? I always think of the brother that works in a chiro office when someone says chiropractor!
