Monday, November 28, 2016

Famous Last Words: Thanksgiving Break

This is the first time I am doing one of these post so here we go! Better late than never right?!

Through going through and doing extra commenting I found a lot of people that I hadn’t read their introduction yet. I thought it was very interesting to read their intro after being able to read a lot of their throughput the semester. I think a few of their writing style definitely showed through what they have experienced personally. I was also able to go back and read some storybooks that I haven’t been able to follow up with in a while and I thought they were awesome! I really liked the storybook about “The House to a Wife of Many”. This was a story book that I was only able to read the intro in the first few weeks and this past week I was able to read the entire thing!

Outside of school this week was Thanksgiving break so that was a great time! I was really able to have a much needed break from school to get motivated to push through the last bit! My sister and her husband were able to come up and see my family from Tennessee for the first time since the summer and I really enjoyed their company! I was also able to see my grandma for the first time since last spring so it was great that she was able to stay at our house for 3 or so day! Overall it was a great break of being able to see family, friends, and enjoy eating a lot of food. The only thing is that I didn’t get to do as much homework as I wanted to get down over the break. I guess that is what break is really about, just avoiding homework for a few days until you have to rush and finish all in the last day. (=

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