Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading Notes: The Tortoise and the Geese

I found this story to be a little strange but still very good in its lesson. Starts with 2 geese and 1 tortoise that live in pond until the pond dries up and the 2 geese decide to leave so they wont die. However the tortoise doesn't want to be left to die in the pond. After discussion on the matter the geese agree to take him but he must not speak at all because the only way they could get him there is if he held on to a stick while they fly. Once they had almost made it to a new pond they went over a few people then they started laughing at the trio so the turtle got mad and yelled at them which resulted in him dying. I think the lesson is this is to not be to quick to anger because it could result in bad things. I would like to find a way to make this modern somehow and have some back story to really represent the lesson of this short story.
"Tortoise and the 2 geese"- Source

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