Sunday, November 27, 2016

Growth Mindset: Learn More about Mindset

For this week's Growth Mindset challenge I chose to learn more about mindset! In this challage I stumbles upon a Ted talk on youtube video called, "Try something new for 30 days" by Matt Cutts. In this video he started off by staying. "he felt like he was stuck in a rut". The way he figured out to get out of this rut was by starting something new for 30 days. He claims that the idea is really simply you start off by thinking about something you either was to add or subtract from your life, then complete that task in just 30 days. By doing this these challenges the he found that time didn't fly by so fast and that is was much more memorable. On top of all of this after each challenge completed he could feel his confidence going from very little to sky rocketing to were he think he could do anything for 30 days! I think this idea is great and something I would live to try in the next few weeks. I'm not really sure what that would be but I really feel like this would be something I would love to complete.The biggest thing that I learned from Matt in this video is that small changes = sustainable. That some small changes that you make will stick resulting in big results!

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