Sunday, November 27, 2016

Learning by H.E.A.R.T.: Attention

I chose the topic of attention. In this I chose to learn about attention from a video channel on youtube called  @breaincraft. In this video they express the the fact that our attention in not as great as we think it is. The video starts off with a challenge about counting the number of passes a team makes by the end of the video they show that through all the counting and attention hardly anyone will be able to see a person dressed as a gorilla walking through the middle of it. As I was watching it I had a feeling what was about to happen to I actually saw the gorilla but what I didn't see was that they explained to me even if I had seen the gorilla I didn't see the back ground change twice and a member o the other team leave the screen. This goes to show that our attention can only be split so far before we can no longer pay attention to new things around us!

"Are you paying Attention" :Source

1 comment:

  1. Howdy Stan,
    That video sounds like a real thriller. It was obvious how passionate you are about the subject of attention. You are super cool because you saw the gorilla. I am curious to know what you learned from this video and how it has effected your ability to focus. I find it weird that we can only pay attention to such a small amount of things at a time and can miss major things that are going on.
