Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part A

Pretty interesting story. Thought it was kind of comical that she just left a place where she would have been basivcally a queen. However, It was kind of sad the way the person that she loved ended up being so cold toward her. That and she went off the deep end and blamed it all on Bhishma. I could somewhat agee with it but at the same time I don't at all. I am really interested on when she recarnates into a male to kill Bhishma.

Pandavas and Kauravas
 This was the first story that I liked in this section of story's so far. The story is basically describing the two different families of princes. It talks about how the blind king didn't like his brothers son's since they were better than all of his son's. What intrigued me about this story was that they said they trained together and had competitions and the Pandavas always ended up winning or at least one of the brothers always win. So my idea with this story is that I could create a story that had all of the princes in a competitions against each other and tell what all they did in the challenges. I think this would be a cool side story and have some depth about the blind king and his family.
Another side story of this in when they talk about how the Pandavas boys go there I thought it was really cool how they described the sages at the end and all of there abilities that they were told about having. I think I could incorporate this into future stories.
"The Pandavas":Source

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