Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part B

The Fire House
That it was really interesting story. Basically the Blind King just really hates the Pandavas princes and will do anything to kill them. But the way that they supposedly died reminded me a lot of Game of thrones and how everyone thought that the youngest Stark boys were burned alive in the show. Though they ended up not dying at all which is just life this story! I think that I could narrate this story from the miners perspective. How he had to hide out in the palace and work at night so that he could save family.

Bhima and Hibimbi
Love the stories where there are fighting scenes! Bhima as of right now in the reading is my favorite one! He is a freaking giant and is super strong! I just thank that's awesome. However I really like how they set up the scene that the rakshasa saw him and didn't want to kill him any more. The Hibimbi seemed like a pretty bad dude, but Bhima was way to strong for him. I think that I could write this story from either the rashaka wife or from Hidimbi. It would be cool to hear the story for the rashaka because in both ways she doesn't want her new love to die in front of her and even if the her brother just said that he was going to eat her she might still not want to see him die.. I don't really know what kind of emotional type connection they had but I could see her maybe being upset about that. Also the way there son was already grown up with in the first hour was kind of tripy to me.

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