Monday, September 26, 2016

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Part C

Arjuna and Shiva:
Very cool story about Arjuna. He basically has to go on a solo adventure to be able to get a very powerful weapon to defeat Duryodhana and his brothers. So he goes to the Himalayas to go and worship and prey. What I thought was cool about this was that the more time he spent up there the less he was would have to eat. He eventually go to the point to where he only needed air to sustain his life. Side not that is impossible but I think it adds to how committed to the cause he was in this story. He eventually get to the part in the story where a boar was charging after him and a unknown huntsman and Arjuna shot at it and begun to fight over it until he realised it was the God Shiva. I think the weapon he got from him is freaking awesome because it can be used by thinking about it or using your eyes only when ou run out of all your other weapons. Could tell this story and maybe a journel entry because he was there for around 4 months.
Arjuna recieves the Pashupata:Source
Arjuna and Indra:
Really enjoyed this story. I think it has a lot of potential to be able to create my own ideas in it. They talk about how Arjuna goes off into the depths of the sea to fight off the enemey's of his father Indra but it doesn't really give much detail about the attack as a whole or really how the celestial weapons work in battle. I believe that I could tell the story about what Arjuna was thinking and a lot about what happened while he was in this conflict. Could also set up the  story by describing the city that Indra lives before Arjuna leaves for battle.

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