Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reading Notes: Ramayana Part C

Sugtiva and Hanuman 
Rama and Lakshmana traveled into a lake country in search of Sugriva a monkey king in exile. But they run in Hanuman which is a monkey god that can shape shift. They meet him while he was shifted into a beggar lake country.  After Hanuman realized hat he was talking to the two powerful brothers he befriends them in hoped that they will help get back Sugriva's wife and the kingdom he once ruled over. This story was pretty cool. I like how Hanuman can shape shift so I could us this in a lot of different ways.

The Burning of Lanka
This story was one of the more entertainign one's I have read. When Ravana order to have Hanuman's tail to be burned Sita prayed to the Fire lord to have the flame "be cool' to Hanuma. So indtead of burning his tail it stayed on fire but it did not burn him at all. He continued to go around Lanka until he burned it down. He thought that Sita had died in the fire but he fod he after sitting in the Ashoka tree.  I think that I can add a fighting seen in this to have some depth, or I could tell the story from an other monkey that heard the story from Hanuman once he returned.

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