Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reading Notes: Mahaharata Part D

Abhimanyu and Jayadratha:
Very intense story about Arjuna's son being killed. He was basically traped by a crew of 7 people being led by Jayadratha.  I don't really think it was a fare was for Abhimanyu to be kill given the way he was such a great young warrior. However, Arjuna was so upset he had vowed to kill the evil Jauadratha by the end of the next night or he couldn't attain heaven. I thought that build up a lot of tension in this story that he baskically gave himself a deadline to whether or not he was going to be able to go to heaven. So by the end of the story Arjuna kills Jayadratha right before the end of night because they were all fooled into thinking that the sun had already set. I think I could give a twist to the story by telling it from the Kauravas side and how they created this plan to hide Jayadratha so that Arjuna would be able to kill him by dark.

Death of Drona:
While reading this I was a little dissapointed that that the Pandavas allowed Bhima to trick Drona. As far as the Kauraves go they do these kind of sly tricks all the time. However when they let Bhima do this to Drona it kind of let me down a bit. I also understand that they are in war but I thought they would be able to make it through it without going to a low point to trick a person that trained them fo the majority of there lives. I did think it was very cool how Drona's spirit kind of just disapeared from his body before they cut his head off. That in many ways to me I still think if Drona being a better warrior because he didn't trick them.
Death of Drona:Source

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