Sunday, September 18, 2016

Reading Notes: Ramayana: D

 This was a pretty cool story. It has a lot going on in this story. Rama is basically defeated by Ravana's son named Indrajit. So Indrajit has magical power that he uses basically to win this battle. Once it tuns dark he turns himself  invisible and rains like snake magic arrows to kill everyone. This leaves Rama and Lakshmana in the dirt where they are basically almost dead. Everyone loses hope because their leaders are dying. All the monkey's want to go home. Sita also gets captured again (Seems to be a common occurrence in the story's). By the end of the story a guy called Garuda comes in like an angel and heals everyone with his magic and they recommence the war. I think I could tell it from Indrajitei's point of view. I kind of like to write stories from the other side. But probably write the way that the battle happened as more of a inner personal way like maybe from Rama's mind and what he was thinking. Place a one on one fight with him and Indrajiti when he is invisible maybe.

 A very interesting story. I read a of wiki post about this story when I was reading it. I think it really cool that the dude is a freaking giant that has to sleep for 6 months before he is woken up. However I dont think they came enough of a story before they killed him. I would definitely tell the story from the view point of one of the rakshasas or Kumbhakarna himself. Just imagine being in the shoes of this lumber jack of a guy, Has to sleep for 6 months just to be woken up early to fight a war then get your head cut off. That would be cray cray.
"The raskshasas wake Kumbhakarna: Source

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