Sunday, September 18, 2016

Feedback Focus

1. Copy-and- paste - I liked this one a lot. By the time I finished the reading this strategy was able to give me a lot of commenting questions and just general ideas to ask about the story. I this also really great since I was able to really take time on the paragraph I was one and write my idea underneath it to have specific details that I wanted to retain in what I just read. 

2. Use a timer-This strategy was able to give me a lot of focus on what I was reading. Since I was only giving myself so long to finish the story I was able to focus on what I was reading. I found it kind of hard to finish the time just because I might want to go back and reread a part or go over something again if I wanted to. 
3. Reading Out Loud- I can see how this would be a good way to find mistakes in a story, but I was not able to really focus on the reading itself. I would find myself focusing more on trying to read out loud then actually reading the text I was given. I also found it hard to write notes on this because I wasn't able to really focus on what I was reading. 

I think I will use the copy and paste and use a timer techniques in the future to help me out not only in this class but in other future classes. 


1 comment:

  1. I ranked these techniques in the same order you did! I also had the same struggle as you did with the “use a timer” method. I found myself reading to fast at times and did not quite comprehend everything that I read. Another drawback to the “reading out loud” method is that you have to read out loud and that is quite inconvenient if you are somebody who likes to get work done in the library.
