Sunday, September 11, 2016

Growth Mindset: Memes

Growth Mindset Memes
 "Connect with others to reduce stress" Web Source
I love this one so much. With my personal experience connection with other people help me so much to reduce my stress level. If I just sit around thinking about what is stressing me out without actually communicating it to other people my stress just gets worse and worse.
Connecting with my friends and family really helps me just forget about my everyday life that is stressing me out. Really like this picture

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stanton,
    I think that you made some really good points about connecting with other people in order to reduce stress. I am the same way. One of the best ways for me to unwind from a stressful situation is to vent to one of my friends. College is a stressful time so it is very important to have reliable people around that you can go to.
