Sunday, September 11, 2016

Tech Tip: Weather Widget

Letting all of you wonderful readers that I have added a Weather Gadget to my blog! It was super easy to add to my blog and kind of gives it so more action going on in the sidebar. if you want to do the same check out this link:


  1. Hey Stanton! I love the weather app idea and will definitely have to look into adding one onto my blog. The weather in Oklahoma is constantly changing so I feel like it would be helpful for me to see it on my blog, just as much as it would be for my readers! I also love the movie Anchorman so that meme is perfect!

  2. Hey Stanton,
    I think it is really cool that you have the weather on your blog page. I had no idea that that was even a thing! That seems like something I would like to have on my blog page so that my page visitors can get a quick weather update. I really like the picture you chose as well. Great movie.
